Situated in the heart of Quinta de São José de Peramanca, here you can acquire and verify the authenticity of the wines produced in this property. In this store you can also find a set of selected products of the region like olive oils, jams and other products from Alentejo.
The shop is open every day and wine tastings are advised to be schedule previously. If you're visiting Evora, it’s without a doubt a mandatory stop, because besides the wines, the farm has a Páteo and Chapel (São José Chapel) of the seventeenth century, which are true monuments.
We organiza wine tasting and events. For more information: peragrave@sapo.pt
We organiza wine tasting and events. For more information: peragrave@sapo.pt
Opening Hours
Spring - Summer:
Monday to Sunday
from 9:30AM to 1:00PM and from 2:30PM to 7:00PM
Autumn - Winter:
Monday to Sunday
from 9:00AM to 1:00PM and from 2:30PM to 6:30PM
Monday to Sunday
from 9:30AM to 1:00PM and from 2:30PM to 7:00PM
Autumn - Winter:
Monday to Sunday
from 9:00AM to 1:00PM and from 2:30PM to 6:30PM